We’ve been hearing so much about the rise in Solar PV installations over recent years, how they have become a realistic way to provide more renewable energy to the public and businesses alike. It’s inspiring to see so many people ‘embracing the light’ so to speak. So many applications for this renewable energy source have yet to be realised, limited only by our imagination.
A great example of utilising solar power has come from the Pocklington Bakery in Alford, they have recently installed a 150kWp array to help run their headquarters, as you can imagine the initial investment might have been daunting at first but the forward thinking of this bakery has realised the pros far outweigh the cons. The benefits soon to be seen by Pocklington Bakery for installing a ground mounted solar installation will be up to 90% of the power required during daylight hours and 60% of the power required for the facility overall.
Pocklington Bakery were advised by Lincolnshire County Council’s resource and waste efficiency programme, SUSTAIN Lincolnshire, to reduce their carbon emissions after an energy audit of the company. The first of the recommended resource energy efficiency techniques resulted in 10% less transport costs and some £200 on lighting costs, but this wasn’t enough for the bakery.
With energy efficiency in their veins they took under advisement SUSTAIN Lincolnshire’s other recommendations regarding solar power and its effect on the company’s carbon footprint. After much research and from Pocklington Bakery on the subject of Solar PV Installations, a decision was made to become the first bakery in the UK to be powered by solar energy.
Chris Pocklington, the MD of Pocklington Bakery is happy with the decision to go green and recognised the impact the company was having on the environment then and now. Comparing the overall running costs of the factory since installing solar pv the difference is staggering.