Having a Solar PV System installed on your roof is one of the soundest investments you could make. Using your own self generated energy, as opposed to using energy bought from the national grid, is obviously going to save you money on your household energy bills. Then there is the additional benefit of receiving payment for producing such energy. These factors can be very lucrative on their own, however, there are additional ways to make your solar panels work smarter and therefore become even more profitable.
Firstly we have the iBoost. The iBoost is a clever little device that will intelligently use any surplus energy that has been generated by the solar pv system to heat up the water supply in the home using the immersion heater.
Next is the EcoMax Voltage Optimiser. The EcoMax effectively dilutes the electricity that the solar panels produce. Not only does this save you money, but it can also prolong the lifetime of your household appliances as they would have less volts to cope with.
Having a solar pv system installed is all very well, but in order to truly see how it works, you really should consider a GeoGreen monitoring system. This will allow you to see exactly how the panels are performing. There is even an app to download onto your compatible smart phone so that you can monitor your solar pv system on the go wherever you may be.
One other way of making your Solar PV installation go further is to use as much energy as possible in daylight hour. One such way of doing this would be using your white goods, for example your washing machine, your dish washer and your tumble dryer in the daytime. By doing this, your solar pv system will be even more profitable than you originally thought it was going to be.