Our final chapter on How To Make Your Solar PV System Go Further takes a look at the Geo Green Monitoring System. This is a quirky little device that helps you monitor the output of your solar pv system. The Geo Green is a wireless monitor that provides an end to end management experience. It will tell you when the panels are working, when they’re not working and when your peak output hours are. Ultimately by ‘keeping tabs’ on your system with the Geo Green you’ll find a pattern for using your home made electricity, this will then help you to save even more money in the longer term.
The Geo Green comes with a full colour display, can be linked up to an app on your phone or tablet but most of all comes at a very affordable price. For £250.00 (inc. VAT) you can be making extra savings from the second you take it out of the box and plug it in.
The Geo Green is a great liitle add on, but, depending on which inverter you choose to go for paying an extra £250 could be a waster of money. Most of the inverters that we work with come with an on-line monitoring facility, thus meaning that when you log into the portal, you can at any one time see what the system is doing, when it’s working, when it’s at its peak performance levels and when is the best time for you to use your white goods. One little tip that I will convey with you, if you choose to go down the optimiser or micro inverter route (Enphase), their online monitoring systems will allow you see what is happening at another level. Optimisers and micro inverters give you the power to see how EACH panel performs so not just an overall view.