Typically, a standard solar pv installation includes – pv panels, inverter, electrical / wiring equipment, mounting kit and a generation meter. Anything on top of this is classed as an additional extra and is more often than not a chargeable extra. Because we like to be transparent with our pricing the standard equipment is listed and priced so that you can see exactly what you’re getting for your money. However, to make your system go that little bit further and to really reap the benefits of your system there are a few additional add ons that you may wish to consider.
The first of which is your EPC. In order for you to claim the full feed in tariff your property must hold an EPC rating of Grade A-D. EPCs are usually issued, for example, when a property is sold and tend to last for 10 years. However, if you’ve carried out additional work to the property you may wish to have the property re-surveyed. To establish the grade / rating of your property there are a few simple questions that can be answered prior to the survey taking place:
- Do you have double glazing?
- Do you have an energy efficient boiler?
- Do you have loft and cavity wall insulation?
- Do you have floor insulation?
- Do you use LPG? The answer to this should be no, otherwise we could have a few problems!
- Do you use electric storage heaters? Again, the ideal answer to this is no.
- Do you predominately use energy efficient light bulbs?
Currently, if you can answer ‘YES’ to all of the above and achieve an EPC rating of grade A-D you will receive a Feed In Tariff rate of 13.88p p/KWH. If you only achieve an EPC rating of E,F or G you will be paid at a rate of 6.38p/p/KWH, therefore it makes more monetary sense to ensure your property reaches the EPC grading of A-D.