Once you have a PV generation meter for solar installed on your property you’re not left in the lurch, with all the documentation needed to put you to sleep for a good few months, the solar installers have an obligation and a responsibility to ensure everything runs smoothly and the installation was carried out correctly. MSC has a very strict procedure that we as solar panel installers have to follow.
One such procedure involves a bi-yearly check of the PV solar generation meter installed with your photovoltaic system, the check is done in person and is the only way to get a reading from your solar meter, as there is no way to access the information remotely.
Unfortunately, a large number of solar generation meters that have been installed, have been so in loft spaces which would be considered a non-conformity against the MCS installation standard MIS 3002. MCS is clear in its Metering Guidance document and reference in both MIS 3002 and the PV Guide that: “The meter shall be fitted to a vertical surface and be placed in a position so that the customer can easily read the register without requiring the use of any equipment such as tools, ladders or a torch. Ideally, the solar meter should be positioned adjacent to the consumer unit.”
In reaction to this a group of people have been brought together by MCS to hammer out a solution, they reviewed how many cases were reported to have generation meters installed in loft spaces or other inaccessible/unsafe areas. They discussed the conflict between the Metering Guidance and what the consumer has asked their installer to do at the time of installation. While the conflict was discussed it was agreed that the metering guidance documents should take precedence even if a customer asks for a change, to ensure compliance with MCS regulations.
To reduce additional costs by having the original installers provide the PV generation meter readings from their inaccessible areas, MCS decided to have the FiT Licensees (the people originally checking the solar meter bi-yearly) draw up a list of the customer’s addresses that have an incorrectly installed solar generation meter, from there that list will be split between specific certification bodies for them to investigate and determine the extent of the non-conformity by the installation company.
How to read your Solar Generation Meter UK
To read a solar generation meter in the UK, start by locating the meter, which is usually installed near your inverter or distribution board. Identify whether your generation meter is digital or analogue. For digital meters, you may need to wake up the display by pressing a button, typically marked with an arrow or “display”. The generation meter for solar PV will then cycle through various displays. Look for the one showing “kWh” or “total generated,” which indicates the total electricity generated by your solar panels since installation in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
If you have an older, analog solar meter, it will have a series of dials. Read these dials from left to right, noting the number each pointer is closest to, which collectively represents the total kWh generated. Record the total generation number in kWh, as this is necessary for monitoring your solar system’s performance and for reporting to your energy supplier for Feed-in Tariff (FiT) payments. Make a habit of checking your meter regularly, such as monthly or quarterly, to keep track of your system’s performance.